

Sunday, 1 November 2015

9 Food Gifts Nigerians Exchange At Christmas

6. Bottles of alcoholic drinks
Whether this comes in a hamper, on its own or in a carton, a bottle or a carton of wine, port, champagne or “hot drinks” aka liquors like vodka, gin, whisky, or my personal favourites at Christmas – cream, chocolate or coconut liquor, always make for a great gift. If you decide to give just a bottle, which is fine, make sure it’s a good one!
7. Cartons of soft drinks
Carton of juice, soft drinks or beer; this is a popular Christmas food gift you can’t go wrong with! Just know and remember the household you are giving those cartons of beer to, lest it be a “no alcohol” household!
8. Cake
Hmmm, I can write an epistle about this but I won’t. Simply put though, a cake, plain or frosted/iced is a lovely gift to give at Christmas but please, don’t just get any cake you see packaged in the market or roadside store just for the sake of gift giving because you do not want your “gift” to end up in the bin along with major beef for you! It makes sense to know the baker or at least, you should have tasted the cake and attest to its taste and quality. If you have it in you though, you could awaken your inner Martha Stewart and bake it yourself! A homemade gift always works!
9. Chin chin
We surely can’t talk about food gifts and not talk about chin chin. I think it is great gift to give a friend, neighbour or family (make it a large jar and make sure it is crunchy and delish!) because people always have more guests this season and a serving of chin chin with some peanuts and a drink is a great way to entertain in the absence of proper food. You will be appreciated for ensuring your friend, neighbor or colleague had chin chin handy!